This spring, Project Monarch should see the light of day as one Outlook app replacing all others.
Microsoft initially hoped to have the project ready by the end of 2021, but the technical challenges are greater than expected. The ‘One Outlook’ project will be based on Outlook’s web app and would replace all current clients out there today including Outlook Win32, UWP and Outlook for Mac. Project Monarch is sometimes referred to as ‘One Outlook’ internally at Microsoft and now faces a new deadline, according to ZDnet.
After months of internal testing, Project Monarch should launch in beta this spring under the moniker … Outlook. Exciting brainstorm there at Microsoft. According to internal sources, the design is heavily focused on the current Web version of Outlook.
Microsoft would let Windows Insiders sample the Outlook version within the Dev and Beta channels of Windows 11 in late March.
The “One Outlook” project should also eventually replace the abominable Mail, Calendar and People apps to one application. Unfortunately, that project would be most delayed and roll out later than the classic desktop version.
General availability is expected in late 2022 with the major fall Windows 11 update. It is unclear for now whether Microsoft will require users to switch or give them a choice between the two solutions.
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