AWS finally makes official SDKs for Rust, Kotlin and Swift available


The new software development kit (SDK) for the three programming languages is available in preview on AWS.

According to Amazon, each SDK leverages traditional best practices of each language and allows you to take advantage of any advanced language syntax. With the Rust SDK, for example, you can use recent features such as async/await, non-blocking IO and builders. With Swift, in turn, you can use the new Swift 5.5 concurrency features and multi-platform support.

Each SDK supports most AWS APIs through specific packages, one for each service. The exact number varies a bit from SDK to SDK. The most important ones are definitely in there such as Amazon S3, Amazon EC2, DynamoDB and numerous others.

Those already using Rust with AWS may have previously used a native SDK thanks to Rusoto. That one is no longer being developed and is in maintenace mode. This is where it’s best to switch to Amazon’s own new Rust SDK.

Rust, Kotlin and Swift are the latest new additions in a long list of supported languages within AWS that today already supports JavaScript, Python, PHP, .NET (C#), Ruby, Java, and C++, among others. The new SDKs are available in developer preview for now, so the APIs may still change based on developer feedback.