Google Chrome is starting to disable the uBlock Origin extension. They are doing so because of the switch to the Manifest v3 specification for extensions.
The adblocker uBlock Origin will soon no longer be available for download as a Google Chrome browser extension. That phase-out comes because of the switch to Manifest v3. In The Verge, Google says that although 95 percent of “actively maintained” extensions already use Manifest v3, many adblockers do not yet.
Welcome, Manifesto v3! Or not quite?
uBlock Origin recently released uBlock Origin Lite in response to the move to the new specification. That extension requires users to install manually. Developer Raymond Hill says there are differences between the two versions, though. Origin Lite has a more restricted filter, due to restrictions imposed by Manifest v3. So overall, that Lite version will be less effective.
In June, Google announced that the phase-out would start in the coming months, and they have now actually started it. We don’t know how widely and intensively it has already been rolled out. A warning has recently appeared in the Google Web Store that the extension may soon no longer be supported.
The new system initially met with much misunderstanding. This was mainly due to a more complex environment for developers and numerous new limitations for extensions. Meanwhile, a successor is ready for most extensions, as all Manifest v2 extensions will soon be completely disabled.