New reprieve for Windows Recall

recall windows 11
Source: Microsoft

Microsoft must once again delay the rollout of Recall. The company itself says it needs more time to make the feature “secure and reliable.

Microsoft is letting Recall sit on hold a little longer. After an initial delay in June, Microsoft planned to roll out a new version of Recall to the Windows Insider channel. This has been postponed to December at the earliest, as Microsoft says Recall is not yet ready.

Weeping March

Recall was announced with much fanfare as recently as June. It was to be one of the features that demonstrated the added value of a Copilot+ PC. The Recall feature takes a screenshot of what you are doing on your PC at regular intervals. With the help of an AI-powered search function, you can search for targeted information in the screenshots.

However, the feature received immediate headwinds. Security experts gave the feature a failing grade and Windows users were also not immediately eager to have every action recorded. Microsoft therefore decided to recall the feature in June, but delay would not be a final reprieve.

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New reprieve for Windows Recall

Microsoft decided to make another attempt and made some adjustments to Recall. One major tweak was that the feature would be made optional, and screenshots would also be made more secure.

New postponement

Microsoft wanted to test the new version first in the limited circle of the Windows Insiders channel before rolling out the feature widely. So this will now not happen until December. Microsoft made this decision because it needs more time to make the feature “secure and reliable,” it confirmed to The Verge itself .


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