Zoom update for macOS disables your microphone again after meetings


For a while, the Zoom application for Mac had a bug that kept the microphone on after leaving an online meeting. The latest version of the program fixes that problem again.

Communications platform Zoom did not always turn off Macs’ microphone immediately after a video conference. The error caught the eye of some Apple users, who reported it to Zoom.

Meanwhile, the problem has been fixed. Version 5.9.3 of Zoom must be installed to do so. Finding a new update is easy in the program. Open to do this the program. Click on your profile picture at the top right and select check for updates. The communication platform will do the rest of the work for you automatically.

Warning light

The problem was reported in December by a user working with the macOS Monterey operating system. That operating system has privacy features such as a warning light that indicates when your microphone is active.

A Zoom employee responded to the report after the problem was fixed. “Due to a bug on the Zoom client for macOS, the orange indicator light could remain on after you leave a meeting, call or webinar.”