Google may offer Free G Suite users with own domain name an alternative after all


Users with a Google G Suite Legacy account may still be given an alternative choice other than mandatory switching to a paid account or exporting all data.

Last week, Google brutally shook up everyone with a free G Suite account. Today there is no free formula for G Suite(now known as Google Workspace) but there was between 2006 and 2012. Those who registered back then could continue to use the free version. Until the search giant notified everyone last week that the free variant will be discontinued on July 1.

Needless to say, a lot of users were displeased because they had been using G Suite for more than 10 years at no cost. The storm of complaints is forcing Google to be a little more flexible. Those who log into the service can now open a survey and leave their details so that Google can inform you of more options for your legacy account in the coming weeks and months. In short, the search giant wants to investigate more deeply what the root of the problem is.

The survey applies only to non-business users with fewer than ten users within an account. Obviously, the survey does not guarantee a solution, but it does show that Google is willing to listen and potentially collaborate on an alternative.

Free G Suite between 2006 and 2012

What are these free G Suite accounts anyway? Between 2006 and 2012, Google allowed users to choose their own domain name within its Gmail platform under the name “Google Apps for Your Domain. Over the years, that name evolved into “Google Apps for Work,” then “G Suite” and then today “Google Workspace.

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Google may offer Free G Suite users with own domain name an alternative after all

Upgrading to a paid Google Workspace subscription can be done seamlessly where you can keep all current settings. Would you rather not? Then you can use Google Takeout to export all your data. Converting all your data to a free Gmail account in one click is not provided by Google. You have to manually create a new account and use the export function to collect all your data first and then import it.

Where is the rub?

The big problem, however, is that you may have made a lot of app purchases and have other engagements ongoing within the Google ecosystem with your legacy G Suite account. You can’t transfer those, which means you’ll be required to switch to the paid version before the July 1 deadline. Hopefully, the new survey will eventually offer an alternative solution.

Be sure to visit Google’ s official support page for more information if you are affected.