AI knowledge essential: 80 percent of developers must retrain by 2027

Is there still a future in a career as a developer? Generative AI is evolving at lightning speed and could turn the entire industry upside down.

“If you look 24 months ahead, it is possible that most developers will no longer be coding themselves,” predicts AWS CEO Matt Garman in Windows Central. AI models are getting better and better at writing and improving code. OpenAI recently released refinement options for their GPT-4o model specifically for developers.

Those who do their best will learn …

With technology advancing at lightning speed, companies have no choice but to embrace AI. AI tools already offer developers many benefits today, and are used to automate repetitive tasks. This gives a big boost to developer productivity, although it does not always appear to be the case yet. In the next phase, most code will have been generated by artificial intelligence.

According to one study, 80 percent of developers should retrain in the field of AI. It’s not that developers will be out of work otherwise, but they need to be able to keep up in a modern field of work. However, AI will never completely replace coding; there must always be human expertise involved.

Just know: a developer with knowledge of AI undoubtedly has an edge over someone without. Consequently, the “AI-first mindset” is a much sought-after competency among IT employers.

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AI knowledge essential: 80 percent of developers must retrain by 2027


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