LinkedIn adds free AI tools for recruiters and job seekers

LinkedIn adds free AI tools for recruiters and job seekers

LinkedIn has introduced an AI tool with Jobs Match that gives job seekers instant advice on whether it is worth applying to a job opening.

There are one billion users on the platform, according to LinkedIn, applying for jobs at a rate of 9,000 applications per minute. New AI tools are making it easier for job seekers and recruiters to value and format job postings.

AI with proprietary technology

Thanks to Jobs Match, applicants receive advice on whether it is worth applying for a particular job opening. A recruitment AI agent helps smaller companies attract qualified applicants and review applications.

Rohan Rajiv, director of product management at LinkedIn, in an interview with TechCrunch: “Users spend three to five hours a day going through applications, and discover that less than half of them actually meet the required criteria,” he said. “This is completely broken, and we know it.” Hopefully, the tools will also effectively help make the job search easier.

This is not the first time LinkedIn has tested AI on its platform, but it is the first time it is using its own AI technology and first-party data. In previous AI functions, the platform relied on technology from OpenAI. Interestingly, these features – for recruitment and job search assistance – are available to anyone, not just LinkedIn Premium users.

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LinkedIn adds free AI tools for recruiters and job seekers