Logging into Android apps gets easier when switching to a new phone

Logging into Android apps gets easier when switching to a new phone

Google has announced a new feature for Android smartphones that makes logging in to apps easier when using a new smartphone.

Logging in with your credentials from an old Android smartphone on a new one will soon be easier, The Verge knows. Thanks to the Restore Credentials developer feature, you’ll stay logged in to apps when using a new smartphone.

Safe choice

This is done by a restore key that is automatically transferred to the new smartphone when you log in to the app. Restore Credentials then automatically checks for a recovery key. If there is, you will be signed in again the first time you launch the app.

A recovery key uses the existing passkey infrastructure to transfer your login credentials. Developers also have the choice of backing up the recovery keys in the cloud. They are not transferred if the app is uninstalled and reinstalled. When the feature will be generally available, we don’t yet know.