Digital evolution is moving at a rapid pace. Where companies once thought encryption was enough to protect sensitive data, we are seeing more and more signs that these traditional security techniques will soon be insufficient. Quantum computers, which represent a quantum leap in computing power, are about to shake the foundations of our cybersecurity.
The promise of quantum: more than a hype
We are on the eve of a new technological revolution. A quantum computer encodes information in the form of quantum bits or qubits. These can take on a value of 0 or 1 – like digital computers – but also anything in between. Quantum computers therefore work fundamentally differently from ordinary computers. Instead of performing one calculation at a time, they can perform exponentially many calculations simultaneously. Mainly in the areas of encryption, simulation, optimization and machine learning, quantum will bring enormous innovation. Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) makes it possible to exchange keys for encryption in a way that is fundamentally different from anything we have seen so far. Namely, it uses the laws of quantum mechanics, which unlike traditional encryption are based on laws of nature that literally cannot be circumvented.
In a world where cyber attacks are becoming increasingly sophisticated, QKD provides an unbreakable layer of security. Any attempt to intercept a quantum encrypted key immediately disrupts the quantum state, which is immediately detectable. This means hackers have no chance of gaining undetected access to data. At a time when even the most powerful classical encryption can be cracked in no time by future quantum computers, this is a game changer. Companies need to think not only about today’s threats, but more importantly about tomorrow’s risks. And quantum communications is the answer to that future.
The importance of infrastructure: fiber as the key
However, quantum communication requires one crucial condition: a solid, powerful infrastructure. This is where fiber optics comes in. The reason QKD works is because the quantum bits, or qubits, that transmit information are extremely sensitive to interference. Fiber optics is the only technology that can reliably transport these signals over long distances. Not only is it the fastest and most efficient way to transport data, it also provides the stability and integrity that quantum information needs.
Fiber optics is the only technology that can reliably carry these signals over long distances
Marc Hulzebos, innovation officer Eurofiber
At Eurofiber we have over 20 years’ experience building these fiber-optic networks for the corporate market. We understand better than anyone that companies today need networks that are ready for tomorrow’s challenges. Our fiber optic connections have long been the backbone of secure, robust business networks. With the deployment of quantum communications, we can make that network QKD-ready and offer companies the opportunity to take their infrastructure to a new level: a network that is not only fast and reliable, but also fundamentally unhackable.
Think of the possible applications: from financial institutions looking to protect millions of transactions daily from fraudulent attacks, to healthcare facilities needing to secure highly confidential patient data. In industries where data security is literally vital, QKD can make the difference between a secure future and a catastrophic data breach.
Companies now need to think seriously about their future security strategy. Traditional networks and encryption methods are unlikely to adequately cope with the advent of quantum computing. By investing in quantum communications on a fiber-optic network now, companies are building a foundation that is not only prepared for tomorrow’s challenges, but also provides unprecedented benefits today.
MVP: the Port of Rotterdam
Earlier this year, together with a consortium, we succeeded in being the first in the world to construct a scalable quantum network connection in the port of Rotterdam. In a test setup, it was demonstrated that using Quantum Key Distribution makes access to sensitive information impossible. In the future, this type of quantum network connection can improve the security of tens of thousands of ships and also better secure the resulting economic traffic from the threat of quantum computers.
At Eurofiber, we strongly believe that the future of enterprise networks is quantum. Companies that really think ahead should not wait until quantum computers are actually operational to crack their existing encryption. No, the time to act is now. The technology is there, the infrastructure – fiber optics – is available, and the benefits of QKD are clear. This is no longer science fiction; this is the logical continuation of decades of technological advances.
Ultimately, every company wants a network that is fundamentally secure. No risks of interception, no worries about future cyber threats. That’s what quantum communications can offer companies. Quantum Key Distribution offers companies both immediate and long-term benefits in security and strategic positioning. By investing in this technology, on top of a reliable fiber connection, companies can prepare for the quantum future and protect themselves even better against the increasingly complex threats in the world of cybersecurity.
This is a submitted contribution by Marc Hulzebos, innovation officer at Eurofiber. Click here to learn more about the company’s solutions.