Add your event or job posting to ITdaily for free

event vacancy checklist

Do you have an event coming up soon that you want to do extra promotion around? Or are you looking for new blood within your organization and could use some extra help with the publication of a vacancy? Leave your details here and we will contact you for further processing.

Posting jobs and events online on ITdaily is free and without obligation. Your submission will appear on our homepage and next to articles. Events appear chronologically, vacancies completely randomly. Only when you click specifically on the job or event page for the complete overview will you see all entries.

Events are removed from ITdaily as soon as they have taken place. Vacancies will remain online for up to 90 days or until we receive notification from you that the position has been filled.

Premium vacancy

Do you want to give an event or vacancy extra visibility during a certain period because you urgently need to recruit someone new or quickly need extra participants? Check the ‘Premium job or event’ option below and we will contact you about this option and the associated costs. Premium jobs, unlike free jobs, do not have a 90-day time limit.

Do you have any questions regarding our events or job opportunities? Fill out the form below without choosing an option and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

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